
GSD Series Drill Head Style Drill

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GSD Series Drill Head Style Drill

* 作者 : admin * 發表時間 :2018-06-16 * 瀏覽 :

GSD drill is a Series Drill Head Style Drill drill with independent intellectual property rights and a number of national patents, and is independent researched and developed, designed, and manufactured by RANRAN MACHINERY.

Main Application

Drilling geothermal pump wells

Drilling wells for agricultural irrigation and industries

Drilling for geotechnical survey

Drilling construction engineering holes

Main Characters

Drill head style with large torque and lifting force

Easy to connect drill rod and Kelly bar is not meeded

Multiple purposes and multiple functions drilling

Large drill head inside diameter available for many rods(φ73φ89φ95)

Specially designed rod structure makes it easy to connect and disconnect

Easy to operate and maintenance High reliability and lone life of working

Truck mounted Trailer mounted Crawler mounted are available for different place

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